Dental Implants

Dental implants are the heroes in the dental industry, contrary to the popular belief of them being the antagonists. Dental implants can be counted as a simple but a life changing invention for all humans, only those who have lost their teeth to many kinds of dental problems will truly appreciate the importance of a dental implant.

Contrary to popular belief, placing dental implants is not a painful procedure at all, thanks to modern technology and the expertise of our compassionate and learned team. It is a much easier and much more convenient job these days, a dental implant can be compared to getting a new paint over your old house, the base of your tooth inside the gum will be replaced by a very high quality titanium metal (screw like object) and is topped by a temporary crown and is later replaced by a permanent crown which is completely hassle free and will give your teeth the best look possible, this synthetic crown will be to your tooth as a crown to a king.

Dental implants are typically made of titanium and are similar in shape and size to a natural tooth root. Titanium is the material of choice for dental implants due to its strength, durability and its ability to fuse to bone over time. The process of the bone fusing to the implant’s surface is called osseointegration. The bone cells attach themselves to the implant during this period of healing. Implants create the most natural and life-like solution to a missing tooth. The result is virtually indistinguishable from your other teeth and in a very short space of time, it will likely feel completely normal.

Other solutions for replacing missing teeth – either a bridge or dentures – are not as long-lasting or natural-looking. Implants allow you to eat, speak and maintain an oral health regimen as if you had never lost a tooth in the first place. A dental implant, also called a dental root-form implant, is a man made replacement for a tooth root. Dental implants are ideal for patients who have missing or compromised teeth due to periodontal disease, decay, injury or for those who have congenitally missing teeth. They can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or an entire upper and/or lower jaw of teeth.

Because implants are placed in the upper or lower jaw, it’s important to determine the exact dimensions of a patient’s existing bone, and identify important anatomic landmarks such as nerves and sinuses before placing the dental implants. Our expert will take X-ray or CT scan and will assess both the width and depth of existing bone.

During the first stage of surgery, our experts or specialist will put a dental implant into your jaw bone beneath the gum tissue. The gum tissue is then stitched back into place. As the tissue heals, the implant will bond with the bone and becomes an integral part of your jaw bones. During the second stage of surgery and once the tissue is healed, our experts or specialist will attach an abutment to the implant. An abutment is a post that connects the replacement tooth to the implant. In some cases, the first and second stage of implant surgery may be done in one single stage.

When replacing several teeth or all of your teeth, a fixed bridge is anchored to your dental implants. A bridge is a dental restoration that replaces one or more missing teeth by spanning an area that has no teeth. The bridge is held firmly in place by dental implants on each side of the missing tooth or teeth.

If there is not enough bone available, it may be necessary to add bone grafting material,(derived from the patient’s own body or artificial bone graft)that will heal and transform into newly grown bone. This is sometimes necessary in the area of the sinuses and involves adding bone below the sinus, creating enough bone for the implant to be placed. This process is called a sinus augmentation.

Dental implants are inserted in the jaw during the surgical phase of the dental implant treatment. Today, technology allows for exact positioning and safety during the placement of implants, and is guided with the help of computer assisted dental planning software and surgical guides.

Human bone needs force applied against it in order to stay healthy and in place. With a three unit bridge the missing tooth is replaced with a “floating” tooth suspended between two crowns. This is called a Pontic. Because the Pontic does not apply force on the bone, the bone resorbs away over time. This can lead to destabilization of the adjacent teeth, hygiene issues, and cosmetic challenges. In contrast, an implant recreates the natural anatomy and applies force to the bone. This keeps the bone healthy and in place. It also allows the Dentist the ability to leave the adjacent teeth alone.

In most cases, healing times range from 3 weeks to three months, depending on the condition of the bone in the jaw. The need for bone grafting requires more healing time than when bone augmentation isn’t necessary. After an appropriate healing period, determined after the placement of the implants, an impression will be taken and the final crown(s) or bridge fabricated. An abutment will be attached to the implant and the final crown or bridge cemented to the abutment. With proper oral hygiene, you can expect dental implants to last around 20 years. However, it’s entirely possible for them to last a lifetime. The success rate of these dental implants is greater than 95%. Success is typically defined as a healthy, functioning implant for at least a 10 year period. Implants should be expected to maintain their health and function for many more years than that.

For more information and counseling regarding dental implants please visit JV Dental Implant Centre at the earliest.

Computer Guided Implants:

JV Dental and Implant Centre is one among the very few clinics in India in providing permanent DIGITAL DENTAL SOLUTIONS using the power of “DIO navi” technologies of South Korea.

Computer Guided Dental Implant Placement utilizes a special software along with our in office CBCT unit to plan the perfect implant surgery. This software utilizes an interactive 3D computer imaging system that allows us to visualize “slices” of jawbone anatomy from several perspectives and develop an individual treatment plan based on technical data derived from the virtual assessment. Implant guides can be developed for a single tooth or an entire arch for edentulous patients. During computer guided implant surgery, we can determine, through virtual implant software, the best area of jawbone structure and integrity to place the implant and also determine the correct implant size before even touching your mouth. The information gathered is extremely accurate, allowing us to visualize the precise placement of the simulated implants. It helps us locate important internal structures and also allows the measurement of bone quality and quantity directly from these images.

Brief description of the procedure:

At your first visit, we will take an impression of your upper and lower jaw to determine the proper size and spacing required. In addition, we will also capture CBCT Scan. Using CT scan technology we can create a three-dimensional model of the surgical site and with the help of CAD/CAM surgical guide, optimum placement of implants is achieved. Once the implant has been planned virtually, a surgical guide will be made to be used during surgery

The final step is surgery Implant placement could be done under local anaesthesia. Once the implant has been placed, It takes 3-4 months for the implant to properly fuse to bone. After the implants are fully healed, the restorative phase can begin. Good hygiene, eating habits and regular checkups are all part of the recommended care for your new dental implants.



a) All-On-4 Dental Implants

The All-On-4 Treatment Concept permanently and securely attaches your denture device firmly in place. Our team can evaluate your oral health and show you what a difference the All-On-4 Treatment Concept can make. Most of the times we don’t have to do grafting in these cases thus reducing the healing period.

Implant anchored dentures are a significantly different approach from traditional dentures. They function and feel more like your natural teeth, less like dentures. Traditional dentures provide very limited function and tons of frustration. Patients who wear traditional dentures are in constant awareness of their device, they are forced to take their denture into consideration when they eat, when they speak, and how they care for the device at night.

Implant-supported dentures provide our patients the gift of forgetting about them. You can chew your regular diet and never have to worry about them rocking, shifting, or coming out. You still have to care for your implant anchored dentures, but you care for them the same way you did your natural teeth with regular brushing and water flossing.

You can get dental implants quickly and easily at our JV Dental implant centre. In most dental implant procedures, the process can take months. The All-On-4 Treatment Concept is different. We can anchor your denture, secured with implants in one day, Known as the Teeth in a Day system, this process uses longer implants, designed to capture thicker bone, allowing us to complete the process in one day. This minimally invasive procedure is ideal for most of our patients, even those who are more medically fragile. Take advantage of this modern technological advantage and permanently replace your teeth, even if you have already been wearing dentures for years.

The unique All-On-4 Treatment Concept system provides stability to your denture device by placing dental implants. There is no need for prior work, no bone graft needed, and any necessary extractions can be done as part of the surgical process all at the same time. The All-On-4 Treatment Concept provides our patients with a full set of teeth that are permanently stabilized in place all in one day. Following this minimally invasive procedure, you will be able to go home with fully functional teeth. You will need to use caution in the beginning, but very quickly, you will have teeth that look and feel natural. The recovery time is minimal and approved for medically fragile patients.

we can restore your smile, without the wait. The All-On-4 Treatment Concept surgery is done all in one visit. The first step is to review your medical health information. The ability to properly heal is an important step in this procedure. Certain medical conditions such as diabetes and certain medications can slow the healing process. Healing issues does not eliminate you as a candidate, but we may need to discuss adjustments in medication or care with your physician before treatment. Another condition that inhibits the ability to heal is smoking tobacco. Again, smoking does not eliminate you as a candidate, but we will need to set a period that you can not smoke around the surgery process. The implant process requires not only soft tissue healing but bone healing. Patients who can not heal timely may experience implant failure. We want to eliminate this possibility before placement.

Another factor we consider before surgery is the health of your gums. We do not want to perform surgery when infection is already present. We may need to take the time to remove the infection and restore the health of your gums before treatment.

The surgical process is a minimally-invasive surgery. We perform most implant procedures in our office with the use of a local anaesthetic.Our experts will review your options with you and make recommendations based on your individualized needs. The surgical process takes about one hour. Following surgery, the patient will need to take certain precautions that we will discuss with you. We will caution you to be aware of any symptoms that seem out of the ordinary and to eat soft foods while the bone is healing. Most patients find the healing process to be easy.

The stability and permanence of All-on-4 dental implants will reduce the irritation caused by ill-fitting or sliding dentures and increase your confidence as you eat and speak with your teeth firmly secured. Typically, the implants are placed and a temporary denture is attached in one visit. After about three to six months, the jaw bone will have fully integrated with the implants, allowing your permanent hybrid denture(teeth) to be placed.

Benefits of All-on-4 Dental Implants

  • Very short recovery time
  • Rarely require bone grafting
  • Keep your dentures firmly in place
  • Easy maintenance and cleaning
  • Reduce further bone loss
  • Temporary teeth in as little as one visit and permanent teeth usually within three to six months.


The only difference between normal implant supported FPD and ALL on 4 is, here we place the implants mostly parallel to each other. Depending on the quality and quantity of the jaw bones we decide like how many implants to be placed and how they have be placed.

When sinus lift surgery is not performed due to medical conditions of the patients, we might consider the pterygoing or zygoma implants.

c) Zygoma & Pterygoid Implants

The jawbone at the site of missing teeth atrophies over time. This atrophied bone (decreased in quality and quantity) may be insufficient for dental implant placement. In the upper jawbone, known as the Maxilla, a Maxillary sinus (a hollow cavity in the bone) exists above the bicuspid (premolar) and molar teeth on both sides. The sinus can expands with age in combination with loss of teeth, resulting in inadequate bone height for implant placement. As a result, a bone graft in the form of a Sinus Lift may be necessary. However, an alternative to a Sinus Lift exists.


A Zygoma implant is a long implant that extends from the bone of the dental arch through the Maxillary sinus and is secured into the cheekbone. This is typically used to support an “all-on-six” teeth.


A Pterygoid implant is a medium sized implant that locks into the solid bone of the pterygoid plates in the very back of the mouth. It allows the teeth to have excellent support and retension.


The implants are single-piece implants with an apical compression thread and straight, flexible or angled solid abutment. Suitable for crowns, bridges and bar connectors. The compression screw design facilitates immediate prosthetic loading, provided surgical placement was carried out correctly.

The advantages include flapless surgery, minimal invasive surgery, we can bend the abutments to maximum 15 degrees and due to its single piece design chances of peri implantitis are almost nil. There is no special procedure or protocol for immediate loading implants. all we need to check is the minimum torque we going to achieve in the implant site. even if they are loaded immediately patient is strictly advised not to apply heavy occusal forces for first three months.

The single implant implant system is a unique monoblock solution designed for fast and convenient immediate restoration, with minimal or no abutment preparation. Featuring an integrated superstructure, the system’s main advantage compared to a standard two-piece design is the complete elimination of microbial leakage and colonization between implants and abutments, which leads to minimal gingival retraction.

Generally, for immediate loading cases we will use active implants, basal or comprehensive implants.

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