Beauty is defined as, “the phenomenon of the experience of pleasure through perception of balance and proportion of stimulus.” It’s almost impossible to express beauty as it is observed by the general population, because each individual defines it differently based on their life experiences, predispositions and biochemistry. Beauty may not be able to be measured, but harmony – one of the most important aspects of physical beauty – can.

The golden ratio, also known as the golden proportion, can be found throughout nature and in some of the world’s greatest works of art. It can also be found in the facial structure of most of the people we consider to be beautiful. It has been said that if you draw a rectangle around the face of the Mona Lisa, the ratio of height to width of that rectangle is equal to the golden ratio. Symmetry is scientifically proven to be attractive to the human eye, but not all facial features contribute equally to the perception of beauty. According to Professor Gordon Patzer’s, “The Physical Attractiveness Phenomenon,” there are five predominant factors that contribute to physical attractiveness:

Teeth: 76% Smile: 75% Lips: 73% Eyes: 63% Nose: 58%

Facial aesthetic design is about more than just teeth – it’s about all the elements of the face and how they work together to achieve the most beautiful and natural smile.

We don’t use the traditional method of smile design because it focuses on creating perfectly symmetrical teeth, which in an asymmetrical frame like the face actually creates a disharmony. Although dentistry is in many ways a science, cosmetic dentistry requires the innovation, creativity and skill of an artist to craft the perfect smile to complement an individual’s unique facial features. It’s true that beauty is subjective, but balance is not, and balance is what we are able to create using advanced facial mapping techniques and a thorough understanding of what is perceived as beautiful to the human eye.

Having a great smile can make a huge difference in the way you look & feel. We offer a complete range of cosmetic dentistry treatments to create the confident smile you’ve always wanted. We begin with a detailed smile assessment, discussing with you which aspects you like & dislike about your smile. Once our assessment is complete, we will discuss with you treatment options to help your smile look more natural, healthy & youthful. We take our time to get to know our patients’ needs, wants, and concerns, and address those in great detail. We offer clear aligners, periodontal therapy, laser dentistry, digital radiographs, and the latest in technology and techniques. We treat our patients as a whole, not just their mouth. We want our patient to feel secure in the treatment they have chosen and in the elite team that will help them to care for their teeth for a lifetime.

We hope you’ll allow us to become your partners in achieving a lifetime of optimal oral health.


If you want a brilliant & white smile, nothing compares to a whitening treatment from the dentist. If you don’t have perfectly white teeth, don’t worry! Teeth whitening is a great way to improve the appearance of your smile and face. tooth whitening is a safe and relatively painless procedure ideal for most patients.

In-office whitening is an ideal procedure for anyone wanting immediate results. Because the entire procedure takes place in our office in about an hour, it is the perfect choice for busy individuals. In this process, a protective gel is applied to your gums to protect the soft tissue. A special light-activated gel is then applied to your teeth and a special light or laser is used to enhance the action of the agent. Finally, we take impressions of your teeth to create custom trays for at home touch-up, and give you instructions for keeping your smile bright. The result is Dramatically whiter teeth that will last for years. Our chair side teeth bleaching system can whiten your teeth several shades in less than an hour. Home bleach technique you can use while in the comfort of your own home to gradually whiten teeth. We will first take an impression of your teeth to create a customized clear tray that you will wear to whiten your teeth. Within a few days your trays will be ready for pick-up and we will show you how to apply the special bleaching material to the trays. The whitening gel trays should be worn 15-30 minutes once per day. In approximately two weeks, you will see maximum whitening results that are nothing short of dazzling. Occasional treatment can be used at your convenience to maintain your new smile. If you do want your teeth to stand out or you want to have more confidence when you smile, we encourage you to contact us today for our whitening services.

b) Gum Contouring

If you have too much gum tissue showing around your teeth, or if your gum line is uneven, it can compromise the appearance of your smile. Fortunately, there is a quick and easy solution. Our experts practice to bring balance and symmetry to patients’ smiles. Often paired with porcelain veneers and dental crowns, this cosmetic dentistry procedure can have an amazing impact on your smile. Our experts use a laser to skilfully remove small amounts of gum tissue and create a pleasing, natural-looking frame for your teeth. The laser precisely sculpts the gum line with virtually no pain or bleeding. Also known as a gum lift or crown lengthening, gum contouring is designed to improve your smile. Ideally, your gums should have an even, scalloped appearance that subtly complements your teeth. When gums extend too far down the teeth, the result is often called a “gummy” smile. It can make your teeth look short or small and draw unwanted attention to the area below your upper lip. In the past, patients who wanted to have excess gum tissue removed would undergo traditional surgery with a scalpel. This method was effective, but it resulted in bleeding and an uncomfortable recovery. With the advent of laser dentistry, all that has changed. Advantages of Laser Contouring include A high degree of precision,Minimal bleeding or inflammation,Greatly reduced risk of infection,A brief procedure and quick recovery,Instant results.

Gum depigmentation

The most common cause of darker pigments in the gums is genetics. Excess melanin can build up in the gums, making them look brown or black instead of pink. The extra pigment does not indicate any disease or dysfunction. Patients seek treatment because of an aesthetic preference for pink gums that showcase their teeth better. Other causes for dark gums include smoking, side effects from certain medications and possible effect of amalgam fillings on the gum. Patients who utilize a dental laser can expect minor discomfort but no complications after the treatment. Patients with very sensitive gums may experience some discomfort for a short period of time. Patients can expect to be able to speak and eat normally immediately after the treatment is completed.Everything should heal in about 2 weeks. One gum depigmentation treatment can last 10 years or up to a lifetime depending on the cell turnover in the gums. The procedure takes 20-45 minutes depending on the colour and size of the dark patch. We will give you local anaesthetic to make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

We encourage all smokers to stop smoking completely after the procedure as smoking is one of the causes of pigmentation. You need to stop smoking for at least 7 days after the procedure. Laser Gum Depigmentation vaporizes and removes a thin top layer of the gum tissue, destroying the cells that produce melanin. As new tissue is created during healing, it tends to be pink rather than brown. The treatment may require a local anaesthetic injection (occasionally topical gel only) and has a short recovery time with manageable discomfort. Sometimes depending on the colour and depth of the dark patch.

d) Tooth Colour / White Fillings

A filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape. If you have a tooth that requires a filling, we will first remove the decayed tooth material, clean the affected area, and then fill the cleaned out cavity with a filling material. A filling also helps prevent further decay by closing off any cracks or spaces where bacteria can enter. There are a variety of filling materials available including gold, silver, glass ionomer cements and composites. The dentist will work with you to determine which material is best for you, depending on the extent of repair, where in your mouth the filling is needed, and cost. Each of the filling materials is briefly explained below: 

Gold fillings are custom made in a laboratory and then cemented into place. While gold fillings are often the most expensive choice, many consider it the best filling material. Gold inlays are well-tolerated by gum tissues and may last more than 20 years. Composite (plastic) resins are custom made to the exact color of your natural teeth, creating a more natural appearance. While white fillings may be less noticeable than other materials, they usually only last between 3 and 10 years. They may not be ideal for large fillings as they may chip or wear over time. They can also become stained from coffee, tea or tobacco. Porcelain fillings are called inlays or onlays and are custom created in a lab and then bonded to the tooth. They can be matched to the color of the tooth, resist staining A porcelain restoration generally covers most of the tooth, making the filling nearly undetectable.